Friday, January 20, 2012

Cinnamon Pecan Oatmeal

This is a jammed packed, healthy meal.  You may eat it in the morning or save it for a snack (if you put it into a snack portion).  Not only does this have multiple health benefits packed with omegas, fiber, protein, vitamins and healing qualities but it’s a great way to start your day and keep you fuller longer. 


-1/2 cup Steal Cut Oats
-Hemp or Almond Milk
-1/4 cup Pecans
-2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds


Steal cut oats - Gluten free.  They provide fiber and protein as well as many vitamins. They stabilize blood sugar since it takes the body longer to break it down, especially compared to rolled oats.  Steal cut oats may also help to lower cholesterol. 

Hemp Milk- Contains Omegas, all 10 essential Amino Acids, Protein, Vitamins A, E, B, D, Iron, Zinc...and much much more.   

Almond Milk - Low caloric content, easy to digest, Amino Acids, Vitamins A, E, B, D and Iron and much much more.

Pecans -  Pecans protect your brain.  Look at this nut, you may notice it has a resemblance to a brain. Studies have shown that eating a handful of pecans daily will help fight diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer and Heart Disease.  Pecans also contain anti-oxidants, which aid in heart health and disease prevention.

Cinnamon- Cinnamon has so many health benefits you would be surprised.  Some of these benefits include: Aiding in arthritis pain when combined with honey, inhibits bacterial growth, is a natural food preservative, helps to regulate blood sugar, contains manganese, fiber and iron

Chia Seeds - I did a whole blog post of Chia Seeds.  These little seeds are my best friends.  See here.


Do you have a rice cooker?  If no, get one, this gadget makes like easy.  Pour the cut oats into the rice cooker or pan and cover with hemp or almond milk.  If in the rice cooker just click the button to cook.  If in the pan cook on high until it boils, then lower to medium.  Remember to keep stirring so that you don’t have a sticky mess.  Once the oats are cooked remove and place in bowl.  Add chia seeds...Chop the pecans and add to oats.  Add cinnamon to taste.  (I like a tablespoon or two.)  Mix contents in the bowl and enjoy.  What you don’t finish, save for later as a snack. 

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