Friday, December 25, 2009

My Holiday Story

Around this time of year, my mind, always goes back to a story my Mother told my five siblings and I when we were very young. This is the story of the green Tupperware container with the dirty coins.

Today, the story is told by me. I must put in a clause, some of the information relayed by my Mother may or may not be featured, for the very reason this story will be from my memory, of my five year old self.

Let me first give you a little back ground about my Mother. She is 5’2, a red head, and the strongest and one of the most intelligent people, I have ever met. If you were ever face to face with my Mother, or really face to chest, she is small in stature, you would immediately see her strength and that she is a powerhouse that can move mountains. My Mother is also an amazing story teller, but today I am relaying the information.

One holiday season my Mother had us all gather around her, for her to share a short but moving story with us. My siblings and myself pushed and pulled to obtain just the right seat for us to hear and be comfortable while we listen in awe of my Mother. We were always in a constant state of bickering, “Dot is doing it again!” or “Eli’s knee is touching my knee!”. Even with all the fighting, we loved no one, above our sisters and brothers; and we always calmed down once my Mother started telling us any of her stories. She has a way of capturing your attention.

My Mother held up this small, green, cylinder Tupperware container with a white lid and asked if we knew what was in her hands. We all replied with some sort of answer, neither reply was correct. My Mother then continued to open this small container and pour the contents into her hand. She showed us what was in the palm of her hand. There was a variety of dirty coins. The coins were dirty and rusty, some were bent and others were barely recognizable as coins. This is where her story began.

One rainy afternoon, while she was waitressing, an older gentleman came into the restaurant to shield himself from the rain and sat down in her section. The gentleman had uncombed silver hair with a matching long disheveled beard, his clothes were tattered and his face was a map of a hard life with deep set wrinkles and weather-damaged skin. The man ordered a cup of coffee, which my Mother then brought over to him. He took a sip of the hot coffee and immediately you could see his body warm up followed by a smile forming on his face. From his reaction you would think this is the best cup of coffee in the world and to him it probably was.

My Mother smiled at the gentleman and asked if there was anything else she could get him. He replied with a no, she smiled and left his table. Shortly after he finished his cup of coffee and the rain let up, he left the cafe. When my mother went back to the table she found a clump of rusty change on the table in the amount of a dollar. It is obvious from the look of the money, that this change was collected from the ground. This man collected change, so that he might enjoy a moments peace away from the elements.

My Mother told us this story, so that we would appreciate all that we have in this world. We were very lucky growing up. We never wanted for anything, holidays were full of laughter and plenty of gifts and we were surrounded by a large, loving family. We had been blessed in all areas one would want to be blessed in. Every holiday season, my Mother brings out the small green Tupperware container and places it on the mantel as a reminder, to be grateful for what you have.

No matter what the size of your wealth may be. No matter how bad things may be for you, maybe you lost someone close to you this year, maybe you lost your job or you feel out of place, there is always something in this universe that will lift your spirits. We are all truly blessed in some way, shape or form, sometimes we need a little reminder of all that we have.

Have a wonderful, joyful and safe holiday season!

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