About The Lazy Girl

The Lazy Girl is a lover of Life.  Life and I have been in a romantic relationship for many years now and it doesn’t look like they will be parting ways any time soon.  This love has taken me on many adventures.  Living all over the United States, launching my own company Nantucket Allies, traveling to other cultures and taking in the moments has inspired me to write two books, Amazing Love Diet and War On Love, while also being the Wellness Co-Captain at The Nantucket Chronicle.  A love theme is always present in my life as well as in my writings.  Love is my greatest passion and it’s what brings me my greatest joy.  Everything I do in life, I do for love.  Keep up to date on my adventures in love and in life, here, by following my blog.  Much Love To You!  Santé

A Little Background on the Name of The Blog, Lazy Personal Training

 I started this blog with the idea to give my lazy fitness tips.  I have always been a girl that loves to be active and work out but I have also loved all the naughty foods and beverages that can set back all of that work one does in the gym.  I found that I could have the balance of living "The Good Life" while still maintaining a healthy body.  This blog evolved from my "lazy" stay in shape tips to a Love Blog.  People have become more interested in what I had to say when it comes to love, sex and relationships, rather than, how to not gain weight around the holidays.  So, this blog is very much a part of me as anything.  Which just means, it's very random.

I hope you enjoy my blog, if you have any questions, blog post ideas or just want to chat please email me, The Lazy Girl, Lazypersonaltraining@gmail.com.  Much Love To You!

For My Website Please Click Here
For The Nantucket Allies Please Click Here 
For The Nantucket Chronicle Please Click Here 

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