Valentine’s Day is typically all about women...20 ways you can enjoy Valentine’s Day with your girlfriends...10 Valentine’s Day dates...Top 15 Movies to watch with your man...Well not this year! I’m writing today for the guys. I’m writing for the guys that have to go see a double chick flick feature...I’m writing for the guys that seem to never be able to please their girlfriend...I’m writing for the guys that just want to get a little something, something...
So, if you’re having trouble getting excited after seeing the new released chick flick that your girlfriend really wanted you to go to or if you’re in the mood for an all nighter, here are a few foods that will help you to, ahem, stand at attention...maybe even turn her on at the same time.
Celery - There is a hormone in celery called, Androstenone. When consumed, it makes the person more attractive to the opposite sex...that is, if the person of desire gets close enough to smell you. It’s send the brain receptors a signal that will make you irresistible...Forgo the cologne and eat some raw celery.
Unagi - Or fresh water eel. If you take your special friend out for a romantic sushi dinner, make sure to order this...You may just find the blood flowing to the appropriate areas.
Sea Urchin - This, I have found to be the most popular in my research and when speaking with my guy friends, they say it’s amazing. It’s a never fail when you know you’re going to get lucky...I hear it’s quite potent. If you don’t plan on an all night affair, don’t go overboard. A little goes a long way...
Avocado - Food sometimes has the shape or look of what it may benefit within our bodies. If you really look at an avocado it resembles parts of man bits (and women bits as well.) Avocado will give a man more energy and increase his hormone production.
Bananas - Again, this fruit is very similar to man bits...This phallic shaped fruit gives you an energy boost and helps to increase libido...Why do you think monkeys love bananas so much? They know what's up...
Eating these foods the day of will prove to be beneficial. For breakfast add a banana to your oatmeal or for a morning snack, have a banana with almond butter...Lunch: slice up a few sticks of celery and mix it with the avocado, grilled chicken, olive oil, pepper, garlic and serve as is or wrap it with brown rice and spinach...finish the day eating sushi...Fresh water eel and sea urchin...Remember Gentlemen, try to keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum. All of your hard work may be in vain if you drink too much...
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