Every other year for Christmas I give the women in my family Save the ta-tas t-shirts. I love that these t-shirts are great conversation starters and that 50% of the proceeds go towards Breast Cancer Research. My favorite t-shirt is “I Caught You Looking At My ta-tas.” If you know someone who has breasts, then Breast Cancer can affect you, too. I’ve been lucky enough to be asked to be a guest blogger for Save the ta-tas. The Theme: FIGHT CANCER YOUR WAY, FIGHT CANCER TOGETHER. Go to their website http://www.savethetatas.com/, browse and find your favorite t-shirt. Your purchase is helping to save ta-tas!
I am friends with the woman who waxes my naughty bits. I’ve said this before and I will say it again: if you’re not friends with the person seeing the bits and pieces of you that you’ve never seen your very own self, then this is a relationship you should think about cultivating. My waxer and I have wonderful discussions during my appointments. We talk about life in general. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry. On one of my recent appointments, she told me her mother had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Understandably, she was in shock, as one would be when hearing such news.
Just six months prior to this heavy conversation, her mother had had a mammogram and she was told she was all clear. No sign of any cancerous cells. Now, just months later, she had Stage 3 Breast Cancer. Devastating news, to say the least. I do believe in the elusive silver lining. My waxer, I call her Hot Momma, is full of love. Love practically beams from her body. I believe that the love that resonates from within her is what is going to get her and her mother through this ordeal.
So, how does one use love to overcome Breast Cancer? Do you remember the first time you were “in love?” Do you remember what it felt like to see this person upon whom your every waking moment was focused? I don’t know about you, but I felt my world change. My world was rosy. Nothing could go wrong, and I felt like I could live forever. Nothing could knock me down now that I was in love. That is the power of love. It’s a chemical reaction. It’s an emotion. It’s a powerful thought in our head that becomes larger than ourselves. Love gives us the hope we need to keep surviving. More than that, love gives us joy in our everyday life.
The person with whom you were in love could do no wrong. Even their faults were somehow “cute.” Being in love has a healing affect on the body. In a way, it balances an imbalanced mind, bringing out the good in everything. When we are in love, we believe that we deserve to be well. Life is beautiful. Life is good! All because you are in love. Food tastes better. Laughing is a daily occurrence. Even the bark on trees can become beautiful and interesting.
You don’t have to be in love with someone in the romantic sense, or even be in love with another person. You just need to know that you love yourself, no matter what. Take time everyday to fall in love with yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are...how talented you are...how great a friend, a mother, a daughter, or a wife you are. Compliment yourself. Soon, you’ll love yourself because even you know how wonderful you are!
Believe that you are worthy of love, and deserving of a long, healthy life. Believe that with each passing day, you are gaining glowing, abundant health. Feel it. Visualize it. Verbalize it! Once you’ve done that, keep doing it over and over again until you believe it with your entire being.
Take the time to recognize the love you already have in your life. The guy at the coffee shop who, with a shy wink, gives you a Grande when you asked for a small. Your friends…your dog…your cat...your parents...your significant other...your God or Higher Power, whatever it is that gives you your Power. Consider and savor it all. There is love all around you.
My hope is that my friend and her mother will make it through this time and come out stronger than before. I know that they have a lot of love for each other. I pray they will be able to find the joy, hope and love in a situation that can be bleak and heart wrenching to experience or to witness.
I know there are women who lost their battle with Breast Cancer who were full of love and positivity. Certainly, love alone is never enough, especially when facing a crisis like Breast Cancer. Sometimes as we go through the worst of what Life has for us to contend with, the only thing that may keep us going is hope, and knowing that we are loved. Loving ourselves can be the springboard that will allow us to embrace the support and kindness people wish to offer us. It facilitates our acceptance of the faith, the hope and the love from those around us.
“…and the greatest of these is Love.”
One lucky reader will win a Save the ta-tas t-shirt!!!! All you need to do is comment below On This Blog What you love so much that you can't help but smile because of it. The answer that I love the most will be the winner! Also, you can easily help to save the ta-tas by visiting http://www.savethetatas.com/. It’s not too soon or late to start your holiday shopping...hint, hint. Everyone Loves Boobs!
My Daughter :) She is the love of my life and every morning when I wake up to her I SMILE :) Love is a great and wonderful healer and prayers to your friend and her mother :) Have a blessed day doll!
ReplyDeleteMy mom. She is a 3 time survivor and currently battling it again. She is an incredible person.
ReplyDeleteIt is forever changing w/me but right now I have to say my 10 month old Grandson! Just thinking of his 4 toothed smile & his giggle always makes me smile & laugh!
ReplyDeleteThe women of my family, my mother, sisters, nieces and daughter. When we get together, there is always, laughing, talking, being each others sounding boards and shoulders to lean on. I love each and everyone of them, together we are a force to be reckoned with!
ReplyDeleteI love the save the ta-tas. My family is riddled with breast cancer and anytime I can give I try! My grandmother (years ago) used to speak for the Susan G. Komen center. As a survivor she had 27 limph nodes removed and a double mastectomy. She was in her 50's at the time. My father has also had lumps removed (cancer free) from his breast! We need to get the word out any way we can. Thanks for blogging about this! In order to save the Ta-Tas you must feel them!!!
my son's laugh. it is so sweet and joyous and full of love. it's like medicine for the soul.
ReplyDeleteI love the level of excitement in my nieces whenever I come visit them.
ReplyDeleteI love myself! I love that I was raised by strong, independant and intelligent women to be a strong, independant, intelligent and kick-ass woman! I love that I can hit a game-clenching RBI and bake a mean red velvet cake. I love that I drive fast and put the boys to shame while wearing 6 inch stilettos. But most of all, I love that I love myself enough to protect myself from breast cancer, and to protect those around me, by encouraging monthly BSEs and yearly conversations with your primary care physician.
ReplyDeleteI love the level of strength that despair, tragedy and pain can create; how close it brings us all together. It astounds me that people who are experiencing so much pain and are at the worst moments in their life, are capable of giving another soul their shoulder to cry on. It reality, it is one of the most selfless acts humans can do. Greatness comes in numbers, but it all starts with one.
ReplyDeleteI love my little two year old son, who greets me each morning with the smile of the century, a mirror that reflects nothing but effusive, abundant, and unconditional love. To love him is indeed to love myself.
ReplyDeleteAnd the tears that came when I read this blog are a testament to the transforming power of the word, the emotion, the gift of LOVE.
The comments are amazing! Rachel Dowling, I love your comment so much! Will you email me your mailing adress for the T-Shirt?
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for reading and commenting