If you’re not close with the person waxing your bits and pieces then may I suggest working on that important relationship. I think it’s only natural to become friends with the person who is looking at your naughty bits from angles you may have never seen before or will ever see. For me, this amazing woman whom waxes me I truly cherish. During our short time together once a month we laugh with all of our bodies, sometimes we cry and we always enjoy each other’s company. She always has words of wisdom for me. I love the way she talks. Her voice is a mix between Sophia from Modern Family and my friend Frida from Mexico. Hot-Momma is from the Dominican Republic and drop dead gorgeous with spicy curves and a sweet face. The advice she gives me I always believe is sheer gold, especially the way she delivers it. I am putting her words of wisdom in my next book, War on Love. Here’s some of our conversation during a recent visit:
Hot-Momma: So no more boyfriend.
Lazy Girl: No more boyfriend.
Hot-Momma: What happened Dorotee?
Lazy Girl: Didn’t work out Hot-Momma, but who knows right?
Hot-Momma: You know what I think Dorotee. I think you’re always going to be Dorotee and he is always going to be him. You can not change someone you love. You can only change yourself for someone you love but that’s a different story.
Lazy Girl: Ugh, I know, it stinks Hot-Momma.
It's the truth, we are always going to be ourselves. I have certainly changed over the years but it's not because of a guy, it's because I wanted to change myself, so I did. Certain things I am always working on and happy to do the work. You can't mold someone to be the person you want them to be. They will in turn become a person that doesn't want to be with you.
You are a wise, "old" woman. Love, K.